Dimension: H: 16 1/2 in (42 cm), W: 7 1/2 in (18.5 cm)
Estimate From: $25000
Estimate To: $45000
The shrine is superbly modeled and enameled against a brilliant ruby-red ground with stylized lotus blooms borne on multi-hued vines issuing smaller flowers below monster masks linked by pendant beaded chains. The stupa is supported on a square waisted base decorated with bands of lappets and floral scrolls on a teal ground. Qing Dynasty period.
1941年由西藏布達拉宮活佛紮西·班傑送給英國商人James Warrick。1998年由James Warrick的孫子Oliver Warrick捐獻給洛杉磯觀音寺。此品為現觀音寺主持修惠法師提供。 1941, Tulku 紮西·班傑 of Potala Palace gifted this stupa to English merchant James Warrick. In 1998, James Warrick's grandson, Oliver Warrick, donated this stupa to Kawn Yin Temple of Monterey Park. Master Monk Xiuhui of Kawn Yin Temple provided this lot.