California Asian Art Auction California Asian Art Auction
 September 23, 2017  September 23, 2017

 Lot # 3102 
A VERY LARGE WUCAI 'BOYS' JAR    清早期 五彩戲嬰紋大罐

  • Dimension: Height: 20 1/4 in (51.4 cm) Diameter of top: 10 1/4 in (26 cm)
  • Estimate From: $4500
  • Estimate To: $9000

The oviod body surmounted by tapered neck, exterior finely painted with boys engaging in playful activities in an outdoor garden setting with rockworks and pine trees, the shoulder decorated withall a frieze of four similarly decorated cartouches against a diaper ground at the shoulder. Early Qing Dynasty period.

此罐器型頗大,胎釉精良,釉層厚腴,佈局考究,外壁以五彩通繪嬰戲圖,童子神態各異,生動逼真,庭院之中,童趣盎然。所繪之五彩艷麗多樣,畫法古拙而樸實,層次豐富而不亂,將孩童天真爛漫彰顯得一覽無遺。明清時期瓷器紋飾多見嬰戲題材,如明王宗沐所著《江西省大志· 陶書》中就有多處朝廷下樣燒造嬰戲紋樣的記載,足見當時人們對子孫興旺、多子多福的熱切心情。